Protesters disrupted London's Pride parade — and accidentally started a movement.
London's annual Pride parade got off to a bit of a bumpy and disappointing start.
A number of women representing a group calling itself "Get the L Out" moved to the front of the parade, blocking it from starting the march.
The group, whose website states is a collection of "lesbian and feminist individuals and organizations, opposing the increasingly anti-lesbian and misogynistic LGBT movement and the erasure of lesbians," was there to protest against transgender people and activism.
Trans rights have been a bit of a hot topic in the U.K., with recent controversy over plans to reform the country's Gender Recognition Act, which would make it easier for trans people to update their legal documents to accurately reflect their gender. The group of protesters oppose this change.
They handed out pamphlets spreading anti-trans talking points about cisgender (another word for "non-trans") children being forced to transition (this isn't happening), of the movement "coercing lesbians to have sex with men" (no, there's not a movement to coerce people into sleeping with people they're not attracted to), and that trans people reinforce sexist stereotypes (this is another common misperception).
The validity of those arguments is neither here nor there, though, to be honest. The group's aim, to create the appearance of a rift between trans people and the entire lesbian community, was simple and probably pretty successful.
Watching the scene unfold from my apartment an ocean away, I felt like I'd been punched in the gut.
To the shock, dismay, and sadness of many trans people (full disclosure: I am a transgender woman), Pride in London organizers allowed this group — which had not registered for a spot in the parade — to lead the march.
Watching a number of people in the crowd cheer on this group's efforts to delegitimize people like me as sexual deviants to be driven out from the LGBTQ movement just left me stewing in an sense of overwhelming sadness. Is this really how the larger community sees us? I asked myself. Am I nothing more to them than a man in a dress (my aversion to dresses notwithstanding)?
Pride in London officials offered up a series of justifications for allowing the group in front of the parade before eventually offering up an apology to trans people. It felt like too little too late — but then the internet did something amazing.
The hashtag #LWithTheT began popping up on Twitter alongside videos and statements of support from cisgender lesbians to the trans community.
Members of the LGBTQIA+ community in Brighton and Hove launched the campaign. The posts were simple yet heartfelt. They also meant the absolute world to me.
"We aim to counter hatred with visible solidarity across all women, and cis female lesbians showing love for trans people," read Pride in London's press release. "Trans women are women, and trans lives are not up for debate. The transphobic group does not speak for the lesbian community."
Horrendous that Pride was allowed to kick off with such a disgusting display of transphobia, but so glad to see the community speaking out 🌈
— Fiona Longmuir 🍂 (@EscapologistFi) July 7, 2018
Ts, the cis Bs are with you too 💜#NotaDebate #LWithTheT #BWithTheT
As a cis lesbian woman who was at #londonpride yesterday, I stand in complete solidarity with my trans, gender queer and non binary sisters 💜 don't let the stupid actions of the few ruin the love of so many 🌈 #LWithTheT
— Anastasia (@Pinches25) July 8, 2018
Can't imagine what it must be like to go to pride and have your existence denied by members of your own community. As a cis lesbian I stand in love and solidarity with trans people #LwiththeT
— Catriona Livingstone (@CatrionaWL) July 8, 2018
"I was so angry and frustrated that I cried. I'm a lesbian, and these women did not represent me, nor my partner who was on the same bus [in the parade]," says fashion blogger Lottie L'Amour. "I was so disappointed with the handling of the whole thing — I just knew that I had to do something. I immediately went home and donated money to Gendered Intelligence and Mermaids, and then a friend of mine from the community in Brighton told me about the hashtag, and both my fiancee and I got involved straight away."
I’m a cis female lesbian and trans women do NOT erase me #LwiththeT what happened at pride yesterday was disgusting.
— Jess 💘 (@jessicacwx) July 8, 2018
Flags in the air if you’re a lesbian who loves, supports and will always fight for the rights of trans women!
— Sarah (@sarahmoorexo) July 7, 2018
There is no room for transphobia in feminism or in the LGBTQ+ movement. No excuses. #pridelondon2018 #pride #pride18 #pride2018 #prideinlondon
It's vital that as trans allies, we speak up now more than ever. MAKE SOME NOISE. Stand up in solidarity and let the transphobes know that as a community, we won't tolerate hatred towards our trans sisters, brothers and non-binary siblings. #LwiththeT
— Sarah (@sarahmoorexo) July 9, 2018
Trans people belong in the LGBTQ community. We're not some sort of new addition to the mix, either.
The entire concept of Pride stems from the 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York City. The events at Stonewall, in which trans women such as Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera played a leading role, helped spark the modern LGBTQ rights movement. Trans people have been there from the start.
Sure, some of the language may have changed over time, but this movement belongs as much to trans people as it does to anybody else — which is why efforts to boot trans folks are so hurtful.
This lesbian vicar is too hungover for any transphobic nonsense today. #LWithTheT #inflatablechurch
— Hannah Maxwell (@_HannahMaxwell) July 8, 2018
in light of recent nastiness in the news, id like to clarify my lesbian stance that trans women are real women, trans lesbians are real lesbians, and all trans people are essential to the LGBT community whether you like it or not #LwiththeT
— ollie (@schizoqueer) July 9, 2018
I’m a cis female lesbian and trans women do NOT erase me. Transphobia should never have place or platform in #Pride #LWithTheT #SistersNotCisters 🏳️🌈✊❤️
— Jenna Burns (@Jenna_221b) July 7, 2018
Some trans people are straight, some are gay, and others are bisexual (another disclosure: I'm bisexual, but happily married to an awesome queer woman) or something else entirely. None of our experiences are the same. A trans woman like me will never know exactly what it's like to be a cis woman, and I'd never claim to know. That's OK. Not all cis women have identical life experiences, either, and that's OK.
We can all exist in the world without trying to invalidate anyone's womanhood or manhood or any other gender, or sexuality.
i feel sickened by #GetTheLOut you do not speak for all lesbians. I stand by my trans sisters, and remember that it was Marsha P Johnson, a black trans sex worker who brought about the pride protests. #LwiththeT trans rights are #NotADebate
— Alice Ella (@aliceiswriting) July 7, 2018
this cis lesbian is with her trans sisters and siblings all day every day. TERFS can fuck the fuck off. #LWithTheT
— hannah moskowitz👭 (@hannahmosk) July 8, 2018
I'm a cis lesbian whose preferred label is queer, precisely because it reminds me that we're stronger as a united community, helping fight each other's battles. As a quick reminder though, some of our trans sisters are also lesbians- it's not an either or #LwiththeT
— MazCam (@MazCam25) July 7, 2018
It's easy to see the actions of a handful of people as representative of an entire group. The #LWithTheT hashtag was a much-needed reminder to me that the women who protested the event, while valid in their identity and their sexuality, do not speak for all in the wider lesbian community.
Being LGBTQ means I exist in a community of beautifully varied individuals. Let's celebrate that, during Pride and all year round.
from Upworthy
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